Rad Bonnie's Vintage

From timeless to tacky - It's all Great Grandma Bonnie approved!

Vintage Buyer, Seller, Collector

The shop's namesake.

Great Grandma Bonnie was an incredibly stylish, quirky, and kind woman. She dressed unlike any other grandmother I had seen. Colorblocking, print mixing, and huge plastic statement jewelry is how I remember her. Her clothing was an outward expression of who she was - eternally optimistic, happy, and jovial. Born in the 1920's, she told me that growing up you wore what you had whether it went together or not. This shop has been a way for me to connect with her posthumously. The pieces I source are a glint of Grandma Bonnie, my way to hear her laughter, smell her perfume, and see her smile once again.

Hi, I'm Brooke!

Whoa that's rad! Thanks, it's Bonnie's!